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About Me: My name is Melanie, and my work spans across writing, research, education, and advocacy. I am currently transitioning out of academia after reaching PhD candidacy, also known as ABD (All But Dissertation). My research is deeply rooted in exploring domestic violence, sexual assault, and poverty through an intersectional feminist lens. In addition to my academic focus, I engage in hobby research on a variety of topics, including exploitation in the entertainment industry, monopolies, organized crime, disability justice, media literacy, and the conservatorship of Britney Spears. My mission is to advance empowering practices, challenging widespread paternalistic and punitive systems. However, my aspirations extend beyond traditional academic achievement. I aim to blend rigorous social science research with creative, accessible projects, community-engaged scholarship, and effective science communication. For me, the joy in our work is a reflection of the joy in who we are.

The truth often lies in the space between: the punchline & the laugh, the reason & the feeling, and the jester & the king.
— Melanie Lynn Carlson